Who are the Gentle orgies for?
The participants of Gentle orgies are diverse—when it comes to their background, age, sexual experience, libido, relationship and family type, gender identity, lifestyle, social standing and financial situation – to name just a few things. We consider this diversity to be a great richness. Gentle orgies are an exceptional chance to meet vastly different people acceptingly, deeply and lovingly.
Who are the Gentle orgies for?
If you love embraces and sexual touches, if you want to deeply and intensely explore your own and others’ pleasure, the power of sexuality and yourself as a sexual being, if you want to learn how to be more consciously present when making love, if for you sex is a spiritual, emotional and bodily experience of union, you might find paradise on earth in our Gentle orgies.
We want to let new people close to us—both bodily and emotionally. We do not desire sex with others purely for the sake of physical pleasure, but also to feel deep unity with them.
We want to learn to be ourselves in front of others even when it feels hard. We want to show our bodies, our feelings, our vulnerability and insecurities, and we want to be seen, accepted and loved.
Gentle orgies are an inexhaustible source of bliss for those of us who want to make love every day and night of their lives—for those who always feel the call of love in their body, even if only quietly in the background.
But Gentle orgies fit just as well for those who remember their sexuality only once a month and want someone close to them at those moments. Being able to make love without commitments and duties is also freeing for many; to be able to press your lovers against your chest for a moment, then spread your wings and fly your own way.
Most participants of Gentle orgies identify as pansexuals. This does not mean that people of other orientations aren’t welcome in the orgies. The large number of pansexuals does, however, affect how our events are shaped. It is naturally the easiest for those who are attracted to all kinds of people to be able to find interesting lovers for themselves.
We encourage and support everyone in recognizing and expressing their desires and boundaries. Feelings of shyness and nervousness usually melt away as you get to know each other and do exercises together. Joining the play still requires the courage to approach others, the courage to explicitly tell them about your boundaries, the courage to face one another’s feelings and to be naked and vulnerable towards the possibility of being rejected, too. In orgies, it is also important to have the sensitivity to recognize and respect other people’s boundaries even when they have a hard time recognizing or expressing them themselves.
Organizers and participants alike are getting to know themselves and others in the orgies. We are never complete, but on an eternal road of growing, erring and discovering. We take full responsibility of ourselves, our feelings, our own actions and respecting the boundaries of others. We acknowledge our uniqueness and accept the diversity in others.
Who are the Gentle orgies not suitable for?
If the thought of being caressed lovingly and longingly by new people feels more scary than exciting, or if sex is more akin to a mechanical delivery than a sacred meeting to you, our gatherings are most likely not what you are looking for. Thank you for recognizing and taking care of your own boundaries.
Many fantasize about orgies, and sometimes this interest and curiosity leads them to experience an orgy. However, it is advisable to reflect on your own fantasies and consider what kind of orgies are best suited for your own needs.
Gentle orgies are very intensive. There are naked people, love-making, sounds of pleasure and smells of love juices all around. In some people, seeing others make love may cause feelings of shame or inadequacy that they do not want to or are not able to handle.
In orgies the playing is often dynamic, with the witnesses and playmates changing. Some do not want to lose themselves into the act of making love where the social context is always changing. They want to know with no uncertainty who is touching their partners or playing near them. In Gentle orgies, you can and should always set boundaries as to who can touch you. But you can never limit the play of others, and you may not try to isolate anyone from the rest of the group.
You should not take part in Gentle orgies if you are unsure about whether you want to make love to new people. It is more than welcome to watch others and their playing in our orgies. However, if others feel that you are an outsider watching them, they might feel uncomfortable and unsafe.
We can offer you a gentle learning environment in everything to do with open and conscious sexuality, but we cannot teach people social skills. Reading the body language of, and following the boundaries of others is something you can always improve in. However, if these aforementioned skills aren’t already very good, one night is too short time to learn all this.
Are there people I desire in the orgies?
We will do what we can, but we cannot guarantee this. Sensitivity is power and it is what makes people hot. People’s tastes when it comes to sex partners do not always match one to one. The night can still be a beautiful and an unforgettable experience if you can cuddle and caress those with whom your lovemaking desires don’t match with, too.
Gender is not an essential aspect of humans for us. Regardless, we try to balance the amount of people with different genitalia in our gatherings. In our experience, this balance enables the relaxation and diversity of the orgies. It also adds the feelings of safety for some.
As organizers, we try our best to add to the possibility of finding lovers by taking note of the participants’ sexual orientation and compatibility. However, if you do not wish for even non-sexual physical intimacy with people of all genders or if you experience, for example, homophobia, Gentle orgies are not the place for you.
Some require a deep conversational connection with new people, before they are able to feel sexual attraction towards them. For these kind of people, it might be hard to find playmates in the orgies until late in the night of a gathering.