Introduction to Gentle orgies

Gentle orgies are loving gatherings of conscious sexual expression. They offer the possibility for open sexual expression in a safe space with other people.

Open arms, open hearts

To us, sex is a bodily expression of love. It is a miraculous gift from life to us people: enchantingly beautiful, at times even scary in its power. We don’t want to be ashamed of, or to conceal, this gift, rather, we want to celebrate it from the bottom of our hearts.

In Gentle orgies, we have the possibility to intimacy and love-making in a shared space together with other participants. With free play and structured exercises we focus on our own bodily and spiritual experience of sex. We can share with one another our pure and innocent desire, our beautiful naked bodies, our untamed playfulness, the happy and painful emotions and our own ways to make love. We welcome all kinds of conscious and gentle sexual expression that all participants are in full agreement and consent of. Even in our wildest activities, we can always look each other in the eyes and see, on top of desire, a look of love and caring.

All play and participation in the exercises in Gentle orgies is completely voluntary.

By /love/, we do not mean the feelings of falling in love or attachment between people. For us, love is a state of complete acceptance and a feeling that we are all significant to each other at the moment of our meeting.

In addition to making love in a pile, we admire each other’s playing and do what is included in most gatherings in general: we eat, talk and drink tea. Our orgies are sober.

Deepening one’s self-knowledge

Gentle orgies are both a journey to yourself and to a connection with others. When we get to know one another, we also get to know ourselves deeply: how we communicate, our desires and our insecurities.

Our ability to enjoy sex is largely based on how open and willing to receive we are. This has as much to do with our bodies as our minds. With accepting, conscious presence, we are able to develop our sensitivity and our ability to give in to pleasure.

At the beginning of our orgies we do structured exercises that are bodily and meditative meetings with ourselves and one another. During these exercises we examine and express our boundaries, feelings, desires and fears, we challenge ourselves to face our sore points, we celebrate the connections with one another and open up our bodies for love making.

We hope that in Gentle orgies, everyone learns something new to take home with them to enrich their own and their loved ones’ lives.

Intimacy and genuine meetings

We aim to make our gatherings very intimate. A part of this intimacy is a small amount of participants. In a group of about 12 to 16 people it is easy for everyone to remember each other’s names and boundaries, and it is possible to create a personal connection with everyone present. Orgies are always held at the organizer’s home or in a setting as home-like as possible.

When we make love, we do not selfishly focus on satisfying our own needs, but also on wholly paying attention to each and every person we meet. We listen to the desires and wishes of our lovers, we read their body language and we try to find mutual pleasure with them.


You can come to the orgies as your genuine self. You need not make yourself overly presentable, put on makeup, trim your body hair or dress in any particular way.

Menstruation is not a problem for us. We appreciate fertility and the menstrual cycle deeply, and we consider it an honour that one would join our orgies during such a sensitive part of their cycle.

Our orgies do not have background music. The sounds of pleasure, love-making and breathing ring far more beautiful than any instrument. Our view of most sex toys is also fairly distrustful. We believe that the loving touch of many partners offers a deeper satisfaction than mechanical toys.

Being accepted and seen

In Gentle orgies, you can open up your heart as well as your legs. All feelings and their expression is a part of love-making. Sometimes revealing your bodily and mental nakedness can feel very painful.

In Gentle orgies, everyone can rest assured that all feelings in themselves and in others are welcome and accepted. In the world that we live in, there are very few situations where we can feel ourselves seen, accepted and loved this deeply. Such experiences can be very healing.

Most of us have been conditioned since childhood to be ashamed of our sexuality, body or both. To let go of this shame is very rewarding, yet it is not an easy task for most.

In our orgies, no one has a wrong body type or a wrong way to express their pleasure with their voice. We want to make love with you in particular.

Nervousness and shyness are also a part of orgies. We want to encourage everyone to express and fulfil their wishes. However, we do not believe that anyone needs to get rid of their nervousness in a hurry. One’s body and mind will relax when they are ready for it.

During orgies, organizers are always ready to personally support everyone. No one is left alone after orgies either, you can always contact the organizers should you want to discuss your experiences. Every participant should also be prepared to be present to their love-making partners – not during in moments of pleasure, but pain, too.


For all of our sexual interactions to be fully consensual, we must be fully aware of both our own and others’ boundaries. Boundaries must be first acknowledged, then expressed to others.

When acknowledging your own boundaries, it is most important to listen to your body and mind. Both continuously signal to us what we want, what we don’t want, what fascinates us, what makes us nervous and what we fear. Our society that shackles and does not appreciate sexuality does not encourage us to listen to or express our boundaries. That is why these skills must be learned, often only once we are adults.

For us, paying attention to verbal and bodily communication is the starting point for all consent, and therefore sexual interaction too. No always means no, unequivocally and immediately! We do not stretch one another’s boundaries nor do we try to make anyone bend their boundaries for us. We also practice the act of acknowledging and expressing boundaries in every orgy.


Respecting one another’s privacy is also a vital part of orgies. Though the general atmosphere has become more accepting lately, stigmatization is still a real threat to many. For many, sex is a private matter and we want to respect everyone having the possibility to keep their love-making adventures only between them and their partners.

Therefore the knowledge of identities of the participants shall remain to only those people who attended the orgy. Naturally, everyone can freely share about their own experiences at the orgy, but nobody may reveal anyone’s identity to outsiders. Cameras and phones are not to be taken out during orgies.


Safety is born from trust, respecting one another and open communication.

Trust and openness is born from getting to know one another. At the beginning of every orgy, we introduce ourselves to one another, tell others about ourselves and our wishes, our boundaries, our principles when it comes to protection and our STD status.

To ensure a safe atmosphere, we always start the orgies together. Anyone is free to leave whenever they wish to.

For more information about the rules of the orgies and our principles when it comes to protection, visit our Rules and Protection pages.