Rules of Gentle orgies

For everyone to feel good and safe in our loving gatherings, some agreed upon rules are necessary. Everyone who takes part in Gentle orgies must understand and accept these rules and commit to following them. Not following the rules will lead to being kicked out of the orgy and an entry ban for our future events. This has never happened and we hope it never will.


  1. Harming

    You must not harm anyone, yourself included—not physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or in any other way.

  2. Consent

    All sexual interaction must happen in full agreement and consent of everyone participating. This includes absolute respect of boundaries set by others. No always means no, unequivocally and immediately! You may not stretch anyone’s boundaries nor can you try to make them bend their boundaries for you.

    Consent can be established verbally or non-verbally. However, the most simple and clear way to reach consensus is by communicating verbally and asking and receiving an answer.

  3. Responsibility for oneself

    Everyone is fully responsible of themselves, their health, emotions and experiences. Everyone has to take care of their own boundaries and to express them clearly.

    If your boundaries are broken, you have a responsibility to inform associated parties about what happened right when you notice the situation. This adds to the general safety of the orgies.

  4. Responsibility for one another

    Everyone is responsible for their own actions and their actions’ consequences. Everyone has the responsibility to be attentive and careful that they do not break anyone’s boundaries (see section 1). Everyone has to bear in mind that our upbringing and conditioning has not supported us in taking care of our boundaries, generally speaking. That is why acknowledging and expressing boundaries can be difficult in many situations.

    I’m not sure also always means no!

  5. Discrimination

    Orgies are a discrimination-free zone.

  6. Privacy

    Everyone’s right to privacy must be respected. Afterwards, you can freely share what you experienced in the orgy, with the caveat that you do not in any way reveal the identities of the people present to any outsiders.

    This means you can, for example, tell people about what kind of sex you had at the orgy and with how many people. You cannot, however, describe these people in a way that makes them identifiable to anyone who did not participate in the orgy.

    This requirement also applies to your informing responsibilities towards your other partners. So, think carefully about whether you can commit to this rule before you sign up for the orgies.

  7. Recording

    Recording the orgies is not allowed. Cameras, phones and all other kinds of devices that are able to store sound and images must be left in your coat at the coat rack or your bag for the entirety of the event. If you must use your phone, you may do so outside. In some cases it is also possible to allow the use of phones in a separate space if one is available.

  8. Responsibility for space

    We respect the space the orgies are held in. We are guests in the space inhabit and we behave accordingly. We leave the spaces we use in cleaner and better condition than they were when we came. This way we make sure that we are welcome in said spaces again.